Did you know the air inside our homes is 5-7 times more polluted than the air outside.

Shocking, I know. Our homes are full of chemicals from our cleaning products, beauty products, perfumes, candles, air fresheners… you get the point. This is why I personally started with the Natures Home Bundle from Young Living to switch out as much as I could as quickly as possible. I had a baby crawling on our floors and eating from his high chair that I was unknowingly cleaning with toxic chemicals that he is then picking up on his skin and putting in his mouth.

Our skin is our biggest organ so its important to know what we are putting on it. The big one most people don’t think about is our clothing, what we wash it with. We all love that fresh linen smell or fragrance from our laundry liquid but do you know the harm they could be doing to your health?

Fragrance is an umbrella for big companies to use on their ingredients list to blanket hundreds of chemicals without having to name them on their labels. Some companies claim to be ‘eco, organic, natural’ on their marketing label, but when you flip the bottle over to the ingredients list, does it have the word ‘fragrance’ on there? If it does, RUN. This is what we call ‘greenwashing’, you might have heard of it, it’s where companies claim to be natural just to get you to buy the product. A great way to find out if what you’re currently using is harmful to your health or not is through an app called Think Dirty. Simply scan the label of your product and it will give you a reading of how toxic the product is.


This is why I love our Thieves range. It’s a plant based cleaning range completely safe for myself, my children & even pets!

Every Thieves product is super concentrated which gives room for dilution so the products last longer, and it doesn’t loose quality when you dilute.
For example; 1 = 3.

1 bottle of Thieves dish soap can be diluted into 3.

1 bottle of Thieves laundry liquid can be diluted into 3. ( 64 washes in 1 concentrate bottle - 64 x 3 = 192 washes)

Our trusty Household Cleaner replaces pretty much every cleaner in your home! 1 bottle lasts me about 9 months. 1 capful makes a 500ml bottle of cleaner - that’s about 42 spray bottles. Which equals to be about 94c per bottle!

Low Tox products may look pricey but when you breakdown the cost and how long they last it actually works out to be more cost effective!

And now I don’t have to worry about my little ones getting into that cupboard under the sink where we all hide our cleaning products, because they are completely safe.

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